Friday, July 26, 2013

Friendly Numbers!

So what are "Friendly Numbers"? They are the numbers that go together to make up 10.  Sounds easy enough doesn't it?  Unless you're just starting to learn maths...

Then it can apparently be quite difficult!  This is something that I want to help Ziggy learn/revise so she can increase her confidence when studying maths.  And, after spending *way* too much time putting together these sheets, I thought I might save someone some time and put up mine.

I think the idea is to print out each "frame" of 10 squares and laminate it.  And then they can be used as flash-cards or maybe as a memory type game or anything to which you set your mind.

So, as you can see from the images below, 9 and 1 are friendly; 8 and 2 are friendly; etc.  

Here's a blank board in case you want to use pebbles or shells or whatever you can imagine to play a different game.

Finally, I created a poster based on something I heard was on Pinterest (sorry to original poster, I tried searching for an original source using google images, but couldn't find it).
PS- If you choose to download, please let me know: I'd love to find out if anyone ever ends up here :)

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